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At Purcellville Baptist Church, we are all about helping people take their next step to follow Jesus. Below are the ways we help you do just that.


Join Our Team

Are you looking for a meaningful way to get involved and make a difference?

Know God


At PBC we believe you can personally know God. This starts with having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


 God wants you to let everyone know about your decision to follow Jesus and this is done through baptism! 

God’s Word

God tells us about Himself in the Bible. By reading it regularly we get to know Him better so we can live a life reflecting Him.


No relationship is good without communication. Prayer is how we talk to God sharing what is on our hearts and listening for Him.

Find Freedom

Life Groups

These are ongoing groups that meet for the most part year round. They are open and ready for you to join to build relationships around the community.

Life Support

These are support groups to help where people sometimes struggle in life. Whether a trial or tragedy, the goal of these groups are to provide and hope for people.

Leader Resource:
Life Studies

Life Studies are video based topical studies designed to make starting a small group easy. If you can turn on YouTube and ask a few questions you can lead a group!

Leader Resource:
Life Foundations

These are 4 session studies that help you understand the foundations of the Christian faith. These are core doctrines to give every person a secure foundation for their faith.

Discover Purpose

Growth Track

God has an incredible purpose for your life! Growth Track is designed to help you discover and connect with that purpose. This one-evening session helps you take you next steps to Knowing God, Finding Freedom, Discovering Purpose, and Making a Difference. 


Have you ever questioned why you do things? Why you react in certain ways? Why you behave the way you do? God has made you with a unique personality! Are you ready to discover the real you? Do a FREE DISC personality profile to find out how incredible God made you!

Spiritual Gifting

God has given each believer spiritual gifts. Do you know what yours are? Discovering and using your gifts allows you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration as you live the Christian life.

Make a Difference


Church membership wasn’t invented by pastors, ministry leaders, or church growth experts. All through the New Testament people who believed in Jesus began to meet with other believers to form local churches. Membership is more than just coming to church every Sunday. It says, “I belong” and I’m committed.” To find out more about membership at PBC join us at Growth Track.


Making a difference is easy – just start serving. Jesus said “I did not come to be served but to serve…” and look at the impact he made in the lives of others. Serving one another is where and how we truly MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


Jesus to his disciples to “go into the world and make disciples…” We are committed to supporting missionaries, both in our community and the world.


We make a difference through generosity and giving! God designed the church to receive tithes and offerings to help spread the gospel and share with those in need.  Not one person can give enough to help. However, God’s plan is to pull our resources together to make a difference in the lives of others through our generosity and giving.